Thursday, September 20, 2007

Man Stuck In Chimney

New York has gang activity, L.A. has riots, and hell you probably won't even see this happen in Atlanta only the good old city of Evansville, IN can produce this juicy piece of strange and stupid criminal activity, or whatever you want to call it. Evansville is the 2nd largest city in Indiana and home for me over the last 15 years. This news clip is a tid bit of what goes on in the south/mid-west area that make us rule the realm of white trash stupidity.

Oh and please watch the entire video clip you can't miss out on the her launching 2 beer bottles at his head, and if this going down in my home town I can put $100 bucks that those are either Colt 40 or P.B.R bottles.. haha.

1 comment:

An Attitude Exhumed said...

It is your duty as a tax paying citizen of that city to find that piece of shit woman and assault her with the razor sharp edges of a broken 40-ounce bottle.