Friday, June 29, 2007

A new beat from a dead hart

Don't you love it when you arrive home from a long day at work and find a nice little package dropped of by the mail waiting for you? Well, I sure has fuck do.. I finally received my pre-orderd release of 108 new album "A new beat from a dead hart." I can honestly say this is probably one the best and original hardcore record I have heard in years, It never seems to surprise me the stuff Deathwish Inc. has been releasing since their existence. Hell they even hand/spray stenciled gold the box the CD/LP came in. Applauds to Deathwish Inc.

Anyway back to the point here... I held my self off from downloading this album because for one it's a band I respect and love so they deserve every bit of my money. This record is full of modestly wailing guitar riff's from the great man Vic. Every song has a story musically and lyrically which puts them ahead of majority of bands in the hardcore punk scene today. If I could ever describe true passion in music 108 would be the first band out of my mouth. Each song has a powerful personal message with music that ranges from fast bad brains style to reggae-inflected, old-sc
hool post-hardcore jaunt that sounds like a jam session of a full on sonic riffage to intense heavy and sometime sludge epic sound waves that will rip through your ears. Lyrically it's incredible...

"I dream of a world where a smile isn't a rare gift and where sadness isn't a curse and where the two together make life worth living. Where we aren't force to validate every feeling we encounter and where such feelings bring a new beat from a dead heart."

I'm sure this album will stand the test of time unlike a lot of records that have been coming out. It's hard for me as always to describe this bands sound and I really am to lazy to give you a full out review so please do your self a favor and hit up 108's Myspace page and give them a listen if you have never heard of them before. I'm glad they decided to get back together after breaking up almost 10 years ago, hardcore needed. I sure as hell did. I guess that explains my ass driving 11 hours to see their first reunion show in Philly 2 years ago and driving back to Indiana the next day.

1 comment:

Paul Chenault said...

I like this album. Shit, I liked this band when they were on Equal Vision. It's nice to see them back and Kurt Ballou did a great job on the record.