Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Do yourself a favor and go pick up this 108 Discography Equalvision Records just released last week. If you have never listen to them, I'm sorry for you. Some of the most passionate, intense, and powerful music that has ever rattled my ear drums...

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  • Blood

  • The number 108 has supreme significance in a variety of manners ranging from Eastern spirituality to references in classic literature such as The Odyssey. While such traditional applications remain just as relevant when applied to this unique number, a group of charismatic, feverishly intense aspiring Gaudiya Vaisnavas who just so happened to shell out arguably the most enigmatic hardcore concoction of the past two decades brought an even more dynamic meaning to this inscrutable integer.

    108’s music and message is just as relevant and brimming with vitality today as it was during the peak of the group’s heyday. Consequently, the more academic applications of the number 108 have to be nudged over to make room for the paramount legacy established by this colossal sonic entity.

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