Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Reunion Crisis

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Earth Crisis Reunion

Jumping on the big hardcore/punk reunion trend of the past few years it looks like another historic band is coming back from the dead. Seminal Syracuse, NY straight edge hardcore band Earth Crisis will reportedly play a reunion show in January, their first show since performing at Hellfest in 2001. The band has not yet officially confirmed the reunion, but Earth Crisis is on the bill for the 2nd annual Maryland Metal & Hardcore Festival in Baltimore. The show will take place on January 27th at Sonar. Doors open at 1pm and tickets (which go on sale on October 18th) are $30 in advance.
Here's the line-up: Earth Crisis, Sworn Enemy, Full Blown Chaos, Guns Up, Have Heart, Verse, Shipwreck, Too Pure To Die, The Burning Season, Subzero, Outbreak, Down To Nothing, xBishopx, Ambitions, more TBA....

Side Note: Since their break up 6 years ago the members of E.C. have been busy with various bands and other projects of hardcore related value, for instance:
Hotel Bed Jumping in their free time.

Looks like I'll be flying to Maryland in January.

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